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I installed the ISCI hand brake kit yesterday on our new RS-S 2011… What I will say is this. Over the years I have built a few clutch “Slave” cylinders and a few brake assists as well. They work. But the thought/thoroughness of the ISCI kit is amazing. It is worth every penny. High end parts, detailed and fully complete instructions, and the fit and finish is better than nearly any other aftermarket item I have ever purchased. Heck they even shipped it expecting a gorilla to sit on it or something (There is that much padding). Even the “Lever” itself is high-end! Basically what I am saying is this. Yes for sure I could build my own just like I have before. However in this paticular situation I will be leaving it to the pros and call it a day. My life/property and others I commute with everyday is worth far more than a few hundred dollars in savings… This product is a grand slam in my book.
I have just completed the installation of the floor boards, accessory mounts, and handbrake. I am an experienced mechanic, hobby machinist, mechanical engineer, and a senior executive in a fortune 500 company. I have numerous toys, dirt bikes, buggies, a Harley, and my wife’s Spyder. I buy lots of kits and accessories for my toys. I am very pleased with your kits. With all the kits I’ve installed throughout my life, I’ve never experienced nor seen such superior ingenuity, creativity, quality and precision as I have with your products. Please pass along my comments to your fellow employees and tell them all to take a bow! I’m the kind of guy who always improves on other people’s products, by re-engineering them, adding parts, or just making them better. These kits were perfect! The detail and thought that went into both the products and instructions are exceptional. As I proceeded with each step, I was continuously amazed at how your products matched all the holes and bolts just fit into place. Just fantastic! Simply put, BRAVO! My wife and I have a number of friends and associates who have Spyders. We will be referring them to you.

McD Tom M.

I got the hand brake that I ordered from you. I installed it on my Spyder in two afternoons after work. It was a fairly easy install. I could have done it in one afternoon but I didn’t have any dot 4 brake fluid and it was to late to go get some. It works far better than I hoped it would. Seth was right it is worth every penny. I enjoy riding my Spyder more now than I have in the past 2 years. Maybe sometime I can come to your factory and thank you in person. I could not be happier with your products. Thank you so very much!

A. Parker


I want to add my praise for ISCI and Billy Jones! I ordered a Corbin Smuggler 4 weeks ago from him and just got it yesterday. I had written to ask about the status of the order and he informed me that it had just come in and that he’d ship immediately. When I wrote to ask which carrier he shipped it with he called me so that he could tell me in person. The service I got was personal and great; the support went way beyond most dealers. I recommend ISCI and their service and Billy is a stand-up guy as well.

K. Tompkins

I’ve been wanting to let you know how much I enjoy all the ISCI products I have installed on my Spyder. Shortly after my first 250 mile ride I knew that I would not be able to ride with the factory foot pegs. My knees just won’t bend that far anymore. My wife had a similar problem with the passenger pegs. After extensive research for available fixes, I got lucky and found ISCI. I called and bugged Robert with lots of technical questions. He always had the answers I needed and knew exactly what I was asking. Because I was so impressed I wanted my local Spyder dealer to get on board and become a dealer. I figured it would be a win/win situation so I got them together with Darrell and that’s the way it turned out. I have installed the rider and passenger floorboards, the Hi-way pegs, the new dog-leg parking brake pedal and the handbrake. I have consistently found the ISCI products to have better quality control, fit and finish than the Spyder itself. The instructions are well written and easy to follow. I have worked with Robert, Darrell and Billy Joe on install questions, future product questions, sales and general support. They have been an absolute pleasure to work with. I have complete confidence that any ISCI product I buy and use will be the best available. You guys are proof that “Made in the USA” still stands for excellence. I hope to get to the East Coast and meet you all sometime soon.

Mark N.

I’ve waited a while before I sent you this testimonial about the floorboards I purchased last month. I wanted to get a few miles on them to fairly evaluate them. These things are the real deal. Its rare these days that you get something that lives up to the old saying of “you get what you pay for”, in this case, in a good way. The design, manufacturing, fit and finish of this product is flawless. I was impressed with the packaging, the attaching hardware and instructions. I’ve purposefully ridden over some varied terrain to see if anything loosens up. Everything is rock solid. I’m proud I made the investment in this product and know they’ll serve me well for many years and miles. As you know I’ve since gotten the Brake Extension and don’t be surprised if I order the Highway Pegs as well. Great stuff. Thank all the team for a job well done.

Ron M.

ISCI Floorboards: I found the stock pegs were just not working for me on longish trips. My hip joints would start to ache after a few hours and the old hockey knees put up the odd complaint as well. I removed the left side foot peg a few months back to try and simulate the optimum leg angle and foot position that I would require to get that “comfy” feeling. My crude tests told me that bringing the level of my foot down a bit and angling it forward would work best for me. This is what lead me to purchase the ISCI floorboards. After installing the ISCI floorboards and playing a bit with the tilt of the floorboard I have found the optimum comfort zone for my riding style. I mounted the unit on the lowest height setting with the board angled a couple of notches downwards on the toe. I should mention that you need to raise your foot to apply the foot brake, but it did not take me long to become comfortable with this maneuver. As you can probably tell, I am pleased with these products.

North Star Ontario


My ISCI Fan Can came in yesterday for my Spyder, so I took time this morning to install it. Since adding the SFB Racing Floorboards, I discovered what other riders were talking about with right side heat cooking their foot. I bought this in hopes it would be the cure I was looking for. After the install, I let the temperature get to a stifling 98 before I took it for a test ride. Now on to the test ride. It was 98 degrees with 40% humidity when I left the house, so hot and muggy is almost an understatement. If you have sweated while riding then you know the conditions. By the time I reached the paved road, the temp gauge was reading 5 bars on my Spyder. A couple of minutes at 65 and it dropped down to 4 bars and stayed there until I got to a stop sign. Usually at 4 bars I can start to feel some heat on my right foot, and of course when the fan comes on at 5 bars it would throw some serious heat in my direction. I rode for about 40 miles with the temp gauge fluctuating between 4 and 6 bars, and my right foot was no hotter than my left foot. For the real test, I stopped on a nice piece of black asphalt entering a boat ramp area and let the Spyder idle for 5 minutes. I figured this would be a good test of being stuck in traffic, as if I had to wait any longer than that to move I would likely shut the Spyder down anyway. During the 5 minute wait the temp gauge reached 7 bars. I kept my feet on the floorboards during the entire wait, and did not feel any additional heat on my right foot. After the 5 minutes I started down the road at 25 mph then up to 35, based on the speed limit. It took 1 minute for the temp to go from 7 bars to 6 bars at that low speed. Another 5 minutes and it was down to 5 bars. When I hit the road back home, and was able to run 65 again, it dropped to 4 bars. I am calling this a success in my book. Thanks to ISCI for making this product.

Spyderwolf Martin

South Carolina

I have installed the ISCI unit on a RS and RT, and will be adding it to another RT this year. It is a flawless, worry free product, that cuts into nothing, changes nothing, and simply works. IMHO, it is worth every penny.


Tualatin, OR

ISCI handbrake shout out – Just want to thank the crew at ISCI for the Spyder handbrake. If you have zero use of your legs or right leg this is the setup to use. Easy install and looks great too.
Thanks to ISCI for manufacturing quality products for the Spyder community. My floor boards and highway pegs are the best purchase made for my bike hands down. I can’t wait to see what they come up with next.
Just to let you know that your brake kit arrived, and it is now on the Spyder and working. The accuracy of your machining is excellent. The quality of the welds, and the materials in general, is as good as I have seen. As it stands, provided that you apply the brake pedal initially, you get plenty of power from the front lever. It makes riding the Spyder much more motorcycle-like, and it suits me. It allows me to think that I actually have front and rear brakes; but of course that is only an illusion. So, thank you for a wonderfully designed and made product.

Mark LaPirow

Sample, MS

Hi Ken, Darrell, Derek, and Billy, I have submitted an article to – they have a new “Come write with us program”. My article is going to be posted on and on their Facebook page. I thought you might be interested in it and am going to attach it here since it is about your wonderful hand brake system, the Can-Am Spyder, and how it has changed my life personally. I am a paraplegic, wheelchair dependent, and never even imagined riding up until a few years ago and never thought I’d be able to actually drive a motorcycle. I was injured in a car accident in my senior year of college. Without my significant other Jake of 10 years, the Can-Am Spyder, and your hand brake system I wouldnt be able to drive or know what it feels like to be on a motorcycle. I have recently saved up enough money to order your adjustable handle bars(ordered April 12, 2013) so I can continue to learn and drive more. Eventually I’d love to save up enough to purchase your passenger arm rests so I can finally have a perfect bike for my boyfriend Jake and I to enjoy together. Being disabled it is hard to afford every day needs so the extra come when I have saved up my pennies:) So besides bring your attention to the article/review that will be on Spydertalk – I also wanted to write and thank you for being a stand up company who offers a discounts to disabled riders. Companies like yours should be recognized more for offering such programs – because it is rare. I appreciate it very much as well as I know many others who have purchased your products do. I will attach my article submission to this e-mail. I hope you take the time to read it and get a better understanding on how much your products have helped me and will help other disabled riders in the future. You and your company have affected my life in a great way. Thank you again.

Nicole Smart

Pembroke, NH